Monday, August 24, 2020
East Coast Yachts key Essay Essay Example
East Coast Yachts key Essay 1. Ascertain the entirety of the proportions recorded in the business even cluster for East Coast Yachts Current ratio=CA/CL= 14. 651. 000/19. 539. 000=0. 75Quick Ratio= ( CA-Inventory )/CL= ( 14651000-6136000 )/19539000=0. 44 Entire attest turnover=Sales/Entire Assets=167310000/108615000=1. 54 Inventory turnover=Cost of Goods Sold/Inventory=117910000/6136000=19. 22 Receivable turnover=Sales/Histories Receivable=167310000/5473000=30. 57 Debt proportion ( TA-TE )/TA= ( 108615000-55341000 )/108615000=0. 49 Obligation value ratio=TD/TE=33735000/55341000=0. 61Equity multiplier=TA/TE=108615000/55341000=1. 96Interest coverage=23496000/300900=7. 96Net pay margin=Net Income/Sales=12562200/167310000=0. 07Tax profit for asserts=Net Income/Total Assets=12562200/108615000=0. 12 Return on equity=Net Income/Total Equity=12562200/55341000=0. 23 We will compose a custom exposition test on East Coast Yachts key Essay explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on East Coast Yachts key Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on East Coast Yachts key Essay explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer 2. Think about the open introduction of East Coast Yachts to the business overall. For every proportion. comment on why it may be seen as positive or negative connection to the business. Assume you make a stock rundown proportion determined as stock rundown separated by current liabilities. How would you translate this proportion? How does East Coast Yachts correlation with the business standard? Current proportion is negative since CA littler than CL Snappy Ratio is sure on the grounds that the proportion is greater than the business upper quartile proportion. Whole attest turnover is certain the proportion on the grounds that the proportion is greater than the business upper quartile proportion. Stock turnover is certain on the grounds that it is higher than the business standard. It speaks to that the organization has a high gross incomes dependent on its stock rundown. Receivable turnover is certain on the grounds that it shows that the organization can move up the gross incomes quicker. Obligation proportion is sure in light of the fact that it shows that the organization has a lower obligation peril than the business standard. Obligation value proportion is sure on the grounds that it shows that the organization is less forceful using obligation which implies the organization has nearly lower obligation danger. Value multiplier is negative since it shows that the organization has a lower bookkeeping return. Interestcoverage= Overall gain outskirt is about the equivalent with the business standard. Expense form on resources is certain in light of the fact that the overall gain per dollar of advantages is higher than the business standard. Government form on value is sure on the grounds that it shows that the organization has better shareholder’s menu. Stock Ratio= CL/Inventory =19539000/6136000=3. 18 Stock is negative It is as yet littler than industry lower quartile It speaks to that the organization has a low gross incomes dependent on its stock rundown. 3. Figure the reasonable developing pace of East Coast Yachts. Figure outer financess required ( EFN ) and get ready expert forma salary proclamations and asset reports assuming developing at precisely this rate. Recalculate the proportions in the old request. What do you distinguish? ROE=ni/te=125622000/55341000=0. 23 B=re/ni=5024800/12562200=0. 4Sustainable Growth rate=ROE*b/1-roe*b=0. 23*0. 4/1-0. 23*0. 40=0. 099 EFN= TA-( TL+E ) =108615000*1. 099-(19539000*1. 099+3373500+55341000*1. 1099)=3166002 All Current ratio=CA/CL= 14. 651. 000*1. 09/19. 539. 000*1. 09=0. 75 QuickRatio= ( CA-Inventory )/CL= ( 14651000*1. 09-6136000*1. 09 )/19539000*1. 09=0. 44 Entire affirm turnover=Sales/Entire Assets=167310000*1. 09/108615000*1. 09=1. 54 Inventory turnover=Cost of Goods Sold/Inventory=117910000*1. 09/6136000*1. 09=19. 22 Receivable turnover=Sales/Histories Receivable=167310000*1. 09/5473000*1. 09=30. 57 Debt proportion ( TA-TE )/TA= ( 108615000-55341000*1. 09 )/108615000*1. 09=0. 49 Debt-value ratio=TD/TE=33735000*1. 09/55341000*1. 09=0. 61 Value multiplier=TA/TE=108615000*1. 09/55341000*1. 09=1. 96Interest coverage=23496000*1. 09/300900*1. 09=8. 93Net pay margin=Net Income/Sales=12562200*1. 09/167310000*1. 09=0. 07 Tax return onasserts=Net Income/Total Assets=12562200*1. 09/108615000*1. 09=0. 12 Return on equity=Net Income/Total Equity=12562200*1. 09/55341000*1. 09=0. 23 Merely contribution inclusion changed. 4As a handy undertaking. East Coast Yachts is far-fetched to be happy to raise outer value capital. in divide in light of the fact that the owners don’t need to thin their bing possession and control places. Notwithstanding. East Coast Yachts is be aftering for a developing pace of 20 for each centum following twelvemonth. What are your choices and proposals about the achievability of East Coast’s broadening programs? EFN= TA-( TL+E ) =108615000*1. 2-(19539000*1. 2+3373500+55341000*1. 2)=8753040 5. Most resources can be expanded as a for every centum of gross incomes. For case. hard money can be expanded by any aggregate. In any case. fixed resources as often as possible must be expanded in explicit wholes since it is outlandish. as a handy undertaking. to buy part of another works or machine. In this occurrence an organization has a â€Å"staircase†or â€Å"lumpy†fixed cost development. Accept that East Coast Yachts is by and by bring forthing at 100 for each centum Of limit. As a result. to spread out creation. the organization must set up a completely new line at an expense of $ 30 million. Ascertain the new EFN with this reason. What does this suggest about limit use for East Coast Yachts following twelvemonth? Deterioration percentage= $ 5. 460. 000/$ 93. 964. 000= . 0581Pro forma depreciation=0. 581*123964000=7203221 EFN= TA-( TL+E ) =108615000*1. 2+3000000 - (19539000*1. 2+3373500+55341000*1. 2=23004405 The fixed resources have expanded quicker than net incomes. so the limit use for following twelvemonth will reduce.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Servant Leadership and Its Characteristics-Samples for Students
Question: Talk about the importance of Servant Leadership alongside a portion of its Characteristics. Answer: Presentation Hireling administration is a term that is generally significant in the greater part of the organizations in the current day situation. The very term worker administration is oxymoronic in nature. This is a term that was first begat by Robert K. Greenleaf in one of his article. The two words hireling and pioneer are very surprising in nature. This is a direct result of the way that a pioneers is known to be somebody who consistently leads while a worker is somebody who is known to serve everybody (Trastek et al., 2014, pp.375). Henceforth the extremely essential implying that strikes a chord the second we talk about worker administration is that of a pioneer who is a hireling first. It starts with the exceptionally regular inclination that a worker chief is somebody who should serve first (Marshall, 2016, pp.312). It starts with this extremely characteristic inclination that a hireling head is one who should need to serve first. At the end of the day, a worker chief is somebody who should oblige the necessities and requests of the individuals. Serving the fundamental needs of the individuals will be the above all else need of the pioneers. A hireling chief is somebody who will consistently concentrate on the development and prosperity of the individuals (Marshall, 2016, pp.312). He will consistently view himself as the worker first. At the end of the, prior day being a pioneer he will consistently attempt to perceive himself as a hireling. Or maybe a hireling who will have the individuals. Worker pioneers are the ones who feel pride in serving others. Others here allude to the individuals or the network to which they have a place. This is not quite the same as the ordinary authority on the grounds that a typical pioneer is one who for the most part attempts to collect and exercise his capacity or his situation on his kindred supporters or on his subordinates. As such a typical pioneer is one who consistently attempts to remain at the very pinnacle or at the exceptionally top of the pyramid. Anyway worker initiative is totally different. A worker head is somebody who consistently attempts to put his administration first and afterward his capacity (Marshall, 2016, pp.312) Writing audit The term hireling authority was instituted by Robert k. Greenleaf in his article called the Servant as Leader. As indicated by his sentiment a hireling chief is not the same as that of an ordinary head. This distinction that endures between the hireling head and the ordinary chief is the manner in which they deal with their position and their duty (Marshall, 2016, pp.312). As it were, a worker chief is one who consistently believes himself to be a hireling first and afterward a pioneer. The pioneer first and the hireling initially are two outrageous sorts. There are anyway a few misinterpretations that exists in the idea of worker initiative (Olesia, Namusonge Iravo., 2014, pp.76). Many are of the conclusion that it is maybe the modified pyramid structure where the top administration needs to answer to the lower levels of the board. In the current days, a lot of study is being carried on by the gathering of authoritative analysts so as to perceive how much compelling is the idea of worker initiative in the current day pioneers (Marshall, 2016, pp.312). These groups of analysts are being driven by Adam Grant. As per his examination, the hireling chiefs are not just significantly more esteemed and regarded by their supporters or their representatives yet they are additionally substantially more profitable in nature (Olesia, Namusonge Iravo., 2014, pp.76). This is maybe of the way that the hireling chiefs are not specific in nature. As it were, worker pioneers consistently consider that they should serve the network in a liberal way. At the end of the day they simply loan their administration to everybody in the general public or in the network to which they have a place. They are not particular in nature. They never normally burn through much time in concluding whom to render their administration to. Figure1: Servant administration Model (Source: greenleaf.2014) Qualities of worker authority Tuning in Tuning in and correspondence is of most extreme significance in any and each sort of authority. Anyway if there should arise an occurrence of hireling initiative it is even more significant due to the way that they have to tune in to every one of their devotees eagerly. (Olesia, Namusonge Iravo., 2014, pp.76). The worker chiefs have faith in influence and comprehension. They render larger part of their time in tuning in to and understanding the individuals and their complaints so as to illuminate them. Compassion One of the major significant parts of hireling initiative is compassion. As it were, by and large only thoughtful to ones workers or ones devotees isn't in every case enough (Olesia, Namusonge Iravo, 2014, pp.76). A hireling chief is one who will attempt to put themselves in the spot of their devotees while taking care of their issues. Hireling pioneers will consistently attempt to discover the probability and the certainty of murmur collaborators. Mending This is one of the significant characteristics present inside a worker chief. A hireling head is somebody who must realize how to render enthusiastic help to his devotees also. It can frequently happen that a portion of the representatives or adherents are experiencing poor or broken fearlessness. It can likewise happen that they are experiencing a progression of mental breakdowns. In such cases, it is the obligation of a worker head to comprehend and share the sentiments of his kindred supporters. Mindfulness A hireling head must be a lot of very much aware about himself and furthermore about his kindred adherents. Mindfulness is something that will constantly empower a pioneer to take sensible choices with respect to business morals. Worker pioneers who have faith in mindfulness are the ones who are not pursuing comfort. Or maybe they are the ones who need to remain mindful and stirred about each and everything going on around them (Trastek et al., 2014, pp.375). Influence The hireling heads are the ones who don't have confidence in forcing their choices on their supporters. Maybe they attempt to convince and persuade individuals rather over commanding and bossing over them. (Olesia, Namusonge Iravo., 2014, pp.76). Conceptualization This is likewise particularly significant in the event of the hireling chiefs. This empowers them to view and manage every single issue from a conceptualizing discernment. They attempt to attract their insight into everyday exercises in taking care of the issues. They put stock in building up an appropriate idea of the arrangement that they are going to give to their kin. It is a direct result of the way that they need to advance the general great of the individuals and henceforth have faith in building up their ideas first before tearing assistance to their adherents. Prescience It is farsightedness that is an absolute necessity for each hireling chief. It is with the assistance of this capacity that can assemble data and encounters from an earlier time and furthermore the present, so as to conquer the past slip-ups, and gear towards a splendid future. They generally have an enormous awareness of other's expectations towards the development of their workers. The worker chiefs consistently think about social help as their above all else obligation. Stewardship His fundamentally alludes to the responsibility that the worker chiefs make towards the individuals or the network, to which they have a place. It additionally gives a lot of significance on devices of transparency and influence as opposed to control (Grandy, 2013, pp.616). They generally have a massive awareness of other's expectations towards the development of their representatives. The worker chiefs consistently think about social assistance as their above all else obligation. Duty to development of individuals This is the significant theme of the hireling heads (Marshall, 2016, pp.312). They view themselves as hirelings of the network or the individuals to which they have a place. At the end of the day, they render every one of their endeavors in building up the general public. They generally have a monstrous awareness of other's expectations towards the development of their representatives. The hireling heads consistently think about social help as their most importantly obligation. Building people group Worker pioneers are of the conviction that the mankind's history as of now endured a ton because of the change, from the nearby networks to the huge foundations. They need to render all their administration in building a network not by means of any sort of mass developments yet by rendering their administration and their risk to the network related gathering. This is the most significant part of worker administration. They generally have faith in giving up themselves to the advantage of others that is the general public to which they have a place. Henceforth, developing the network a positive way is their significant objective. A portion of the celebrated worker pioneers Nelson Mandela One of the well known expressions by Mandela is If you need to make harmony with your adversary, you need to work with your foe, and afterward he turns into your accomplice. It s apparent from this reality, that he was a devotee to sacrificial support of the individuals and the network to which he had a place. He never made any qualifications between individuals. He needed to serve individuals when all is said in done (Olesia, Namusonge Iravo., 2014, pp.76). He was a man of harmony and he even had faith in the standard of treating ones adversary with legitimate love. He was somebody who had confidence in influence instead of battling and overwhelming on his foes. He needed to get a change the general public through harmony and amicability and not through battles, wars and bloodsheds. He had confidence in the standard of pardoning (Grandy, 2013, pp.616). Figure2: Servant initiative (Source: greenleaf.2014) Mother Teresa She is one of the significant instances of hireling initiative. She was some none who had surrendered her life for the government assistance of a large number of poor, blameless and destitute vagrants. It is for her caring work that she has earned this title of MOTHER This is a direct result of the way that she has constantly stretched out her assistance to all the offspring of the world all in all. She used to offer her affection and care to any and each kid whom she used to discover on any and each side of street in poor hopeless condition. What made her so acclaimed is the uncondi
Sunday, July 19, 2020
6 Simple Steps to Create an ADHD-Friendly Filing System
6 Simple Steps to Create an ADHD-Friendly Filing System Creating a filing system that stores your paperwork will make you feel confident that you can find all your important documents quickly and easily. This might seem obvious to someone who doesn’t have ADHD; however, when you are living with ADHD, paper piles, fear, and anxious searching often go hand in hand when you are looking for a particular piece of paper. Setting up and maintaining a filing system that gives you peace of mind is time well spent. One thing that stops people with ADHD from setting up a filing system is that it can feel overwhelming. Creating an ADHD-Friendly Filing System So here are 6 simple steps for creating an ADHD-friendly filing system. Pick a filing cabinet that you like. You will be much more likely to use a filing system if you like how the cabinet looks. Pick one that fits in with your home decoration and personality. If you aren’t sure how many drawers you will need, create a practice system using bankers boxes. Put your hanging files in the boxes and test it for 1 or 2 months before investing in a piece of furniture. Hanging folders. Every filing system needs hanging folders. Have one hanging folder per topic, for example, Bank statements 2016. The relevant documents can go straight into the hanging folder; they don’t need to go into a separate folder first. Labels. Label each hanging folder clearly. You could write your labels, print them or use a label maker. If you can’t read the label or forget to label a folder, it is easy to put the documents in the wrong place and then the filing system stops being helpful. What you write on the label is your choice. Do it in a way that makes sense to you so you can find what you are looking for quickly. For example, you might write ‘bank statements,’ the name of the bank or something else that is meaningful to you Organizing the folders. Having ADHD means your thinking is creative rather than linear, and how you organize your filing cabinet can reflect that. Your filing system doesn’t have to be alphabetically organized! You might decide to group all your finance folders together, all your health folders together or in another way that feels logical to you. Use color. Using color in your filing system is a great idea. People with ADHD are very visual, so using brightly colored hanging folders will make your filing system more appealing. If you group similar items together in the same colored folders, it will also help you find things quickly too. For example, you could have all red folders related to financial topics. Keep the folders streamlined. Don’t overstuff your folders! Oversized folders will make it harder to use the filing system because it will be difficult to add new documents. As a result, you might be tempted to stop using the filing system. If your folders are getting big, here is what to do: Shred documents you no longer need. Check out this article for details on how long to keep each document.Divide the subject into smaller topics. For example, instead of putting all your tax files into a single folder labeled ‘Taxes,’ create separate folders for each tax year (e.g., Taxes 2016, Taxes 2015, Taxes 2013) Only put important papers into the folder. For example, when you receive a bill, put the bill into the folder after paying it, but do not put the envelop it came in as well.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Business communication between Australia and China
Table manner and Gift giving: The difference between China and Australia business communication Report prepared for Maurice Benson, Manager, International Business Practice Group Prepared by Xuejiao Jia, Manager assistant, International Business Practice Group Email of Transmittal To: From: Subject: report-commissioned by IBPG Date: 20/10/2014 Dear Maurice Thank you to fix me up with the International Business Program Group. As a new staff, this opportunity is very important for me to prove my worth to our company. In your last email, you asked me to write a report to provide a guideline and explain the intercultural communication between my country and Australia. I have†¦show more content†¦To begin with the banquet, the host will toast to everyone, and the guest should stand and drink from their cup. After that, during the banquet, the host will toast to everyone, it is very impolite to refuse to drink. According to Eugene Cooper (2007), the most important rule of Chinese table manners is the seating arrangements. If a banquet is a simple dinner which just have one or two tables in a room, then the highest ranked person should sit in the place which facing the entrance, as it has the best view of the room(Rina B 2011). However, if it is a big banquet, the most respectful table is in the middle as it is the central and has the best view of the banquet. In addition, all the people will focus on the central table when the reader begins to toast. 2.2 Giving a gift In China, giving a gift is not always regard as a bribe. On the other hand, it indicates that you are interested in building a relationship. When giving a gift in Chine, the color of the wrap should be carefully choose. In china, the red color is regarded as a lucky color, gold means wealth; pink and yellow are also acceptable. However, avoid using black or white wrap as it used in funeral. Beside, do not just giving a gift to one person without giving to the others, which would be considered as very impolite (UNSW Press 2008). 3 Conclusion 3.1Table manner Both meeting andShow MoreRelatedNonverbal Communication in Foreign Culture vs My Culture1212 Words  | 5 PagesFind examples of the types of nonverbal communication that are specific to a foreign culture and compare these to your own culture.  Analyse how the nonverbal communication of both cultures could impact upon business dealings between the two. Nonverbal communication is the act of communicating without speaking, and instead involves the use of gestures, facial expressions and body language and is an important part of how people communicate, sometimes more powerful than verbal interaction, and makesRead MoreImpact Of Globalization On The Global Economy1452 Words  | 6 Pagesthroughout the past years. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Fragance Market and Perfume Industry - 792 Words
The billion pound fragrances market in the United Kingdom is highly competitive and is always adapting to their environment. Despite the recession, the fragrances market have managed to boost their market value and thrive in the slowly recovering economy. To stay in business, it is imperative for marketing managers in fragrances to acknowledge issues in their macro and micro environments, such as the current economic state, the behaviour of consumers and governmental issues revolving around the perfume industry. In spite of the slow recovery from the 2008 recession, market value of fragrances have increased 25.6% over the last 5 years (Key Note, 2013, pp. 15). The buying power of consumers and household disposable income is strengthening in the UK, even though unemployment rates and inflation are rising. Many would assume the financial condition of the macro-environment would result in consumers cutting spending on nonessential goods like perfumes. Surprisingly, buyers of the in dustry’s microenvironment view fragrances as necessary essentials and premium fragrances are driving the market value upwards. The increased disposable income has aided in the success of premium fragrance sales due to patrons’ willingness to indulge in expensive perfumes than switch to cheaper products. Marketers must understand that fragrances are relatively in-elastic demand to their consumers and in order to compete in the marketplace through the recovering economy, brands need to advertiseShow MoreRelatedEssay on Abercrombie and Fitch, Strategic Managment2096 Words  | 9 Pageshas been denominated as one of the most important brands in the retailing business. ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH The company Abercrombie Fitch (AF) is a retailer of informal clothes and accessories. These accessories include including cologne and perfume for men and women. AF has its operations based in more than 300 stores that at the same time incorporate abercrombie stores for children; Hollister (Southern Californian style) and the new brand Gilly Hicks for underwear (Abercrombie and FitchRead MoreMarketing essay on Chanel4291 Words  | 18 PagesJanuary 2013 Markets, Marketing and Strategy Report MMS Report, 1 January 2013 Markets Marketing and Strategy Report Executiv summary : This report provides an analysis and evaluation of Chanel’s marketing strategies and of its place in the Luxury market today. Methods of analysis include three theorical models that help to understand the complexity of Chanel business environment and its main resources. Those three models are: PESTEL, SWOT and 5 Porter’s forces. In thisRead MoreEssay on Cosmetics Industry9878 Words  | 40 Pages4842 Group Case 2 Retail Specialty Cosmetics Industry Analysis March 19, 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS Industry Type Degree of Industry Concentration Opportunities and Threats Opportunities Threats Past and Projected Market Growth Rate Competitive Analysis New Entrants Substitutes Rivalry within the Industry Suppliers Buyers Driving Forces Analysis Industry Key Success Factors Financial Analysis
Unit Two Study Guide Fall Free Essays
Demonstrate an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the whitetail arts through using oral, written, or visual means to communicate an informed personal reaction to works of theatre. (Communication Skills) 4. Show social responsibility through intercultural study and discovery of regional, national and/or global artistic traditions In theatre. We will write a custom essay sample on Unit Two Study Guide Fall or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Social Responsibility) The Actor 1. What does Thespian mean? Thespian means Actor. 2. Describe the acting profession as stated in your book? Most bewildering profession. Can be extraordinarily rewarding but also most tough and demanding. Takes incredible sacrifices from every area of life: Financial, virtual, mental, and physical. 3. Define representation training/acting. Acting emanates from somewhere INSIDE the actor. Studies the role closely, uses imagination, lives the life of the character. 4. Define presentational training/acting. Actor presents something to the audience. 5. What Is The Method? 7 Elements: Cadenza, Public solitude, Subtext of meaning, Artistic communion, Emotional memory, Physical actions, Hard work 6. What school was founded by Elli Kane and who was this school’s most influential teacher? Actor†s Studio: Lee Strangers 7. What two features are required to make a good actor? Acting from the Inside and Acting from the Outside. Actor’s instrument, Actor’s method of approaching a role 8. What are the three parts to the actor’s instrument/self? Body, Voice, Imagination 9. Inhalation, practically understood as an element of voice, is sometimes seen to be mystically equivalent to what? Inspiration 10. What are the elements of voice? Breathing, Phonated, Resonance 11. What are the elements of speech? Articulation, Pronunciation, Phrasing 12. What is projection? 13. What is resonance? The sympathetic vibration, â€Å"Resounding†of the voice, as it is heard in the throat, the chest, and the head 14. What is the major psychological component of the actor’s instrument? Imagination 15. What is cadenza? The Character’s Problem 16. What are the three stages of the actor’s routine? Audition, Rehearsal, and Performance 17. What is an audition? Primary process in which acting roles are awarded. Actor has opportunity to demonstrate to the director how well he or she can fulfill a role. 18. What is blocking? Stage movements 19. What is stage business? Stage actions – scripted or seemingly unconscious physical behaviors 20. What is subtext? The unspoken and underscored character goals hidden beneath the lines. The Playwright 1. What is the most important trait of the playwright? Independence. 2. Why is every person a playwright? Because we dream. 3. What is the core of every play? Action 4. What are the playwright’s two tools? Dialogue and Physical Action. 5. Explain the concept of continuous and linear in a play. Means Continuous in Structure and Linear in chronology. Point to point, cause and effect storytelling. Remains basic architecture to most popular and serious plays. 6. Explain the statement â€Å"Intrigue draws us into the world of the play; credibility keeps us there. †Intrigue demanding surprise, credibility demanding consistency. They generate a kind of believable wonder; Credibility alone will not suffice to make a play interesting, and intrigue alone cannot make a incredible play palatable. 7. What is â€Å"richness†in playwright? Leaves a sense of satisfaction; Richness of detail and richness or dimension 8. Explain â€Å"depth of character. Requires that every character possess an independence of intention, expression, and motivation. 9. What is gravity in a play? The central theme is one of serious and lasting significance in humanists spiritual, oral, or intellectual life. 10. Who is David Mate? Successful Playwright 1 . Name and understand the four major staging formats. Proscenium, Arena, Thrust, Black Box 2. W hat is another name for the picture frame stage? Proscenium 3. What is a scenery centered staging format? 4. What are the actor centered rather than scenery centered type staging formats? Thrust, Arena, and Black Box 5. What type of stage dispenses with all scenery except floor treatment, furniture, and out of the way staging or hanging pieces to focus attention on the actors? Arena 6. Describe a black box stage area. Simple space able to adapt to a variety of staging styles. â€Å"Experimental Atmosphere†7. What is realistic scenery? Attempts to depict, often in great detail, a specific time and place in the real world where the plays events are presumed to take place. 8. What is metaphorical scenery? Favors visual images that seek to evoke the production’s intended theme, mood, or social/political implications 9. What is a flat? Portable framed wall sections, usually represent walls and occasionally the ceilings of a real room 10. What is a cyclorama? Hanging fabric stretched between upper/lower pipes and curved to cover back and sides of the stage. Colored with lights 11. What is a scrim? Can make things appear and disappear; Loosely woven gauzy fabric, lit from the front, solid, lit from the back, see through 12. What is stage machinery? Give examples. Anything that moves; Fly systems, wagons, elevators, wagons 13. When was electricity introduced into American theatres for lighting? 1879 14. What are the primary considerations of lighting design? Visibility and Focus 15. What were the first theatrical costumes? Ceremonial vestments 6. What was the ancient and original use of costume? Separate Actor from Audience 17. What are the four primary functions of modern costume design? Ceremonial Magic, Social and Cultural values of the world being portrayed, individuality of each character, wearable clothing for the actor 18. What function does makeup serve? Evoke or highlight psychological traits, illustrate character, simplify and embolden actor’s features 19. In regards to makeup, what is the face considered? Canvas The Director 1. What are the tasks of the director? What are the three eras of the director? Teacher, Realism, Anti-Realism 3. What are Andre Antoine and Constantine Statisticians primarily known as and what was their primary focus in the theatre? Naturalists. Sought to make the theatre a powerful social and artistic instrument for the expression of truth 4. Who is generally regarded as the first modern director? Saxes Engineer 5. What are styling directors? Unrestrained by rigid formulas w/ respect to verisimilitude or realistic behavior 6. Who founded the Theatre d’art in Paris in 1890? Paul Fort 7. Who evolved his theatre of biomedical constructivism in Moscow? Absolved Empowered 8. What is the director’s primary responsibility? To envision the main lines of the production and to provide the artistic leadership to realize that vision 9. What are the roles of the producer? Finance the production, create and manage the budget, choosing and acquiring the theatre facility, establishing the plays rehearsal and performance dates, handle legal and business aspects, and oversee publicity, casting, ticketing, etc. 10. What is the criterion for play selection? How to cite Unit Two Study Guide Fall, Papers
Sunday, April 26, 2020
The people free essay sample
The survival instincts of the first colonist who landed in Jamestown compared to Massachusetts colony and religious direction of the two colonies had opposite theories. â€Å"(The people in the Jamestown colony predominantly protestant thought in a business sense exporting cash crops, rather that growing food to try and survive for a long time. The people of Jamestown tried to replicate the English way, which was every one for them alone the people of Jamestown werent very motivated to involve themselves in the community. )†(Brinkley, 2007 p. 34).In contrast to this view the Puritans came to Massachusetts Bay to practice their own modified Anglicanism religion, the second generation of Puritans came to Massachusetts to pursue wealth. The men came to fish and make a profit off the plentiful amount of fish that the seas off the coast of the new world had to offer. â€Å"The churches of every Puritan generation introduced a church tax that required the colonists to pay a percent of their income to the church as an act of graciousness to god. We will write a custom essay sample on The people or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †(Brinkley, 2007 p. 43). â€Å"(The puritans like the French traded with the Indians for goods that were unique and foreign to the English people.These items sold for a large sum across the sea in England, and at the neighboring Plymouth Colony benefited largely from these trades. )†(Brinkley, 2007 p. 43). â€Å"Growing cash crops and trading with the natives was easy for the Plymouth colony because when they settled at Plymouth, they learned to cultivate cornfields from the natives and other crops that they could use to survive on. †(Brinkley, 2007 p. 43). With these fields already planted and ready for harvesting, the settlers could focus on paying off the debt they owed to England, and could focus more on increase their own profits.Although the first Puritans came to Massachusetts Bay to practice their own modified Anglicanism religion, the second generation of Puritans came to Massachusetts to pursue wealth. The men came to fish and make a profit off the plentiful amount of fish that the seas off the coast of the new world had to offer. The churches of every Puritan generation introduced a church tax that required the colonists to pay a percent of their income to the church as an act of graciousness to god. â€Å"One of the biggest differences in the two colonies was their government.In Virginia, the House of Burgess could make laws and levy taxes, though the governor or company council in England could veto any of their decisions in its early stages of government. †(Brinkley, 2007 p. 36). â€Å"(In the Massachusetts Bay Colony, the General Court gradually shifted political authority away from the governor and into the hands of the towns representatives. )†(Brinkley, 2007 p. 42). In spite of all of these differences, in some ways, these colonies were very similar. For instance, Native Americans had a large influence on both colonies. The settlers learned farming practices from them and traded with them. The Native Americans were happy to coexist until these colonies started growing and pushing them off of the land that they had lived off of for generations. Both colonies found the same trouble with fighting the Native Americans for land and resources. They both wanted to pursue a life of wealth, in money, land, and social status. Although some colonists came in part to practice their own variation of a religion, all of the colonists came to make a profit in some way. References : Brinkley, A. (2007). American History: A Survey, 12e. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
How to Conjugate the Verb Comprare in Italian
How to Conjugate the Verb Comprare in Italian Some definitions of â€Å"comprare†include, to buy, and to purchase. What to Know About â€Å"Comprare†: It’s a regular verb, so it follows the typical -are verb ending patternIt’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"comprare†.The participio passato is â€Å"comprato†.The gerund form is â€Å"comprando†.The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo comprato†. Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io compro noi compriamo tu compri voi comprate lui, lei, Lei compra essi, Loro comprano Esempi Oggi compro un po’ di pane ed un etto di prosciutto. - Today I’m buying a bit of bread and an ounce of prosciutto. Il passato prossimo io ho comprato noi abbiamo comprato tu hai comprato voi avete comprato lui, lei, Lei, ha comprato essi, Loro hanno comprato Esempi Hai appena comprato un regalo per Stefano? - Have you already bought a gift for Stefano? L’imperfetto io compravo noi compravamo tu compravi voi compravate lui, lei, Lei comprava essi, Loro compravano Esempi Ogni sabato, compravo un gelato alla fragola. - Every Saturday, I bought a strawberry gelato. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo comprato noi avevamo comprato tu avevi comprato voi avevate comprato lui, lei, Lei aveva comprato essi, Loro avevano comprato Esempi Ti ricordi il libro di grammatica che avevi comprato due anni fa? L’ho ritrovato! - Do you remember the grammar that you bought two years ago? I found it! Il passato remoto io comprai noi comprammo tu comprasti voi compraste lui, lei, Lei compr essi, Loro comprarono Esempi Comprà ² delle bottiglie di vino. - He bought some bottles of wine. Il trapassato remoto io ebbi comprato noi avemmo comprato tu avesti comprato voi aveste comprato lui, lei, Lei ebbe comprato essi, Loro ebbero comprato TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io comprer noi compreremo tu comprerai voi comprerete lui, lei, Lei comprer essi, Loro compreranno Esempi Comprerà ² una casa in Toscana!  - I will buy a house in Tuscany. Il futuro anteriore io avr comprato noi avremo comprato tu avrai comprato voi avrete comprato lui, lei, Lei avr comprato essi, Loro avranno comprato Esempi Avr comprato una nuova macchina! - He must have bought a new car! Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io compri che noi compriamo che tu compri che voi compriate che lui, lei, Lei compri che essi, Loro comprino Esempi Preferisco che tu compri i girasoli invece dei mughetti. - I prefer that you buy the sunflowers instead of the lilies. Il passato io abbia comprato noi abbiamo comprato tu abbia comprato voi abbiate comprato lui, lei, Lei abbia comprato essi, Loro abbiano comprato Esempi Spero che abbiate comprato abbastanza vino per la festa. - I hope that you all bought enough wine for the party. L’imperfetto io comprassi noi comprassimo tu comprassi voi compraste lui, lei, Lei comprasse essi, Loro comprassero Esempi Era strano che lei non comprasse i libri per il corso. - It was strange that she didn’t buy the books for the course. Il trapassato prossimo io avessi comprato noi avessimo comprato tu avessi comprato voi aveste comprato lui, lei, Lei avesse comprato essi, Loro avessero comprato Esempi Pensavo che tu avessi gi comprato l’anello! - I thought you had already bought the ring! Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io comprerei noi compreremmo tu compreresti voi comprereste lui, lei, Lei comprerebbe essi, Loro comprerebbero Esempi: Comprerei tutto in questo negozio! - I would buy everything in this shop! Il passato io avrei comprato noi avremmo comprato tu avresti comprato voi avreste comprato lui, lei, Lei avrebbe comprato essi, Loro avrebbero comprato Se non ti dicevo che ero allergica,  avresti comprato le rose rosse vero? - If I didn’t tell you I was allergic, you would have bought the red roses, right?
Monday, March 2, 2020
Battle of Monte Cassino in World War II
Battle of Monte Cassino in World War II The Battle of Monte Cassino was fought January 17 to May 18, 1944, during World War II (1939-1945). Fast Facts: Battle of Monte Cassino Dates: January 17 to May 18, 1944, during World War II (1939-1945).Allies Armies and CommandersGeneral Sir Harold AlexanderLieutenant General Mark ClarkLieutenant General Oliver LeeseUS Fifth Army British Eighth ArmyGerman Armies and CommandersField Marshal Albert KesselringColonel General Heinrich von VietinghoffGerman 10th Army Background Landing in Italy in September 1943, Allied forces under General Sir Harold Alexander began pushing up the peninsula. Due to the Apennine Mountains, which run the length of Italy, Alexanders forces advanced on two fronts with the Lieutenant General Mark Clarks US Fifth Army on the east and Lieutenant General Sir Bernard Montgomerys British Eighth Army on the west. Allied efforts were slowed by poor weather, rough terrain, and a tenacious German defense. Slowly falling back through the fall, the Germans sought to buy time to complete the Winter Line south of Rome. Though the British succeeded in penetrating the line and capturing Ortona in late December, heavy snows prevented them from pushing west along Route 5 to reach Rome. Around this time, Montgomery departed for Britain to aid in planning the invasion of Normandy and was replaced by Lieutenant General Oliver Leese. To the west of the mountains, Clarks forces moved up Routes 6 and 7. The latter of these ceased to be usable as it ran along the coast and had been flooded at the Pontine Marshes. As a result, Clark was forced to use Route 6 which passed through the Liri Valley. The southern end of the valley was protected by large hills overlooking the town of Cassino and atop which sat the abbey of Monte Cassino. The area was further protected by the fast-flowing Rapido and Garigliano Rivers which ran west to east. Recognizing the defensive value of the terrain, the Germans built the Gustav Line section of the Winter Line through the area. Despite its military value, Field Marshal Albert Kesselring elected not to occupy the ancient abbey and informed the Allies and Vatican of this fact. First Battle Reaching the Gustav Line near Cassino on January 15, 1944, the US Fifth Army immediately began preparations to assault the German positions. Though Clark felt the odds of success were low, an effort needed to be made to support the Anzio landings which would occur further north on January 22. By attacking, it was hoped that German forces could be drawn south to allow Major General John Lucas US VI Corps to land and quickly occupy the Alban Hills in the enemy rear. It was thought that such a maneuver would compel the Germans to abandon the Gustav Line. Hampering Allied efforts was the fact the Clarks forces were tired and battered after a fighting their way north from Naples (Map). Moving forward on January 17, the British X Corps crossed the Garigliano River and attacked along the coast putting heavy pressure on the German 94th Infantry Division. Having some success, X Corps efforts forced Kesselring to send the 29th and 90th Panzer Grenadier Divisions south from Rome to stabilize the front. Lacking sufficient reserves, X Corps was unable to exploit their success. On January 20, Clark launched his main assault with the US II Corps south of Cassino and near San Angelo. Though elements of the 36th Infantry Division were able to cross the Rapido near San Angelo, they lacked armored support and remained isolated. Savagely counterattacked by German tanks and self-propelled guns, the men from the 36th Division were ultimately forced back. Four days later, an attempt was made north of Cassino by Major General Charles W. Ryders 34th Infantry Division with the goal of crossing the river and wheeling left to strike Monte Cassino. Crossing the flooded Rapido, the division moved into the hills behind the town and gained a foothold after eight days of heavy fighting. These efforts were supported by the French Expeditionary Corps to the north which captured Monte Belvedere and assaulted Monte Cifalco. Though the French were unable to take Monte Cifalco, the 34th Division, enduring incredibly harsh conditions, battled their way through the mountains towards the abbey. Among the issues faced by Allied forces were large areas of exposed ground and rocky terrain that precluded digging foxholes. Attacking for three days in early February, they were unable to secure the abbey or the neighboring high ground. Spent, II Corps was withdrawn on February 11. Second Battle With the removal of II Corps, Lieutenant General Bernard Freybergs New Zealand Corps moved forward. Pushed into planning a new assault to relieve pressure on the Anzio beachhead, Freyberg intended to continue the attack through mountains north of Cassino as well as advance up the railroad from the southeast. As planning moved forward, debate began among the Allied high command regarding the abbey of Monte Cassino. It was believed that German observers and artillery spotters were using the abbey for protection. Though many, including Clark, believed the abbey to be vacant, increasing pressure ultimately led Alexander to controversially order the building to be bombed. Moving forward on February 15, a large force of B-17 Flying Fortresses, B-25 Mitchells, and B-26 Marauders struck the historic abbey. German records later showed that their forces were not present, through the 1st Parachute Division moved into the rubble after the bombing. On the nights of February 15 and 16, troops from the Royal Sussex Regiment attacked positions in the hills behind Cassino with little success. These efforts were hampered by friendly fire incidents involving Allied artillery due to the challenges of aiming accurately in the hills. Mounting his main effort on February 17, Freyberg sent forward the 4th Indian Division against German positions in the hills. In brutal, close-in fighting, his men were turned back by the enemy. To the southeast, 28th (MÄ ori) Battalion succeeded in crossing the Rapido and captured the Cassino railroad station. Lacking armor support as the river could not be spanned, they were forced back by German tanks and infantry on February 18. Though the German line had held, the Allies had come close to a breakthrough which concerned the commander of the German Tenth Army, Colonel General Heinrich von Vietinghoff, who oversaw the Gustav Line. Third Battle Reorganizing, Allied leaders began planning a third attempt to penetrate the Gustav Line at Cassino. Rather than continue along previous avenues of advance, they devised a new plan which called for an assault on Cassino from the north as well as an attack south into the hill complex which would then turn east to assault the abbey. These efforts were to be preceded by intense, heavy bombing which would require three days of clear weather to execute. As a result, the operation was postponed three weeks until the airstrikes could be executed. Moving forward on March 15, Freybergs men advanced behind a creeping bombardment. Though some gains were made, the Germans rallied quickly and dug in. In the mountains, Allied forces secured key points known Castle Hill and Hangmans Hill. Below, the New Zealanders had succeeded in taking the railroad station, though fighting in the town remained fierce and house-to-house. On March 19, Freyberg hoped to turn the tide with the introduction of the 20th Armoured Brigade. His assault plans were quickly spoiled when the Germans mounted heavy counterattacks on Castle Hill drawing in the Allied infantry. Lacking infantry support, the tanks were soon picked off one by one. The next day, Freyberg added the British 78th Infantry Division to the fray. Reduced to house to house fighting, despite the addition of more troops, Allied forces were unable to overcome the resolute German defense. On March 23, with his men exhausted, Freyberg halted the offensive. With this failure, Allied forces consolidated their lines and Alexander began devising a new plan for breaking the Gustav Line. Seeking to bring more men to bear, Alexander created Operation Diadem. This saw the transfer of the British Eighth Army across the mountains. Victory at Last Redeploying his forces, Alexander placed Clarks Fifth Army along the coast with II Corps and the French facing the Garigliano. Inland, Leeses XIII Corps and Lieutenant General Wladyslaw Anders 2nd Polish Corps opposed Cassino. For the fourth battle, Alexander desired II Corps to push up Route 7 towards Rome while the French attacked across the Garigliano and into the Aurunci Mountains on the west side of the Liri Valley. To the north, XIII Corps would attempt to force the Liri Valley, while the Poles circled behind Cassino and with orders to isolate the abbey ruins. Utilizing a variety of deceptions, the Allies were able to ensure that Kesselring was unaware of these troop movements (Map). Commencing at 11:00 PM on May 11 with a bombardment using over 1,660 guns, Operation Diadem saw Alexander attack on all four fronts. While II Corps met heavy resistance and made little headway, the French advanced quickly and soon penetrated the Aurunci Mountains before daylight. To the north, XIII Corps made two crossings of the Rapido. Encountering a stiff German defense, they slowly pushed forward while erecting bridges in their rear. This allowed supporting armor to cross which played a key role in the fighting. In the mountains, Polish attacks were met with German counterattacks. By late on May 12, XIII Corps bridgeheads continued to grow despite determined counterattacks by Kesselring. The next day, II Corps began to gain some ground while the French turned to strike the German flank in the Liri Valley. With his right wing wavering, Kesselring began pulling back to the Hitler Line, approximately eight miles to the rear. On May 15, the British 78th Division passed through the bridgehead and began a turning movement to cut off the town from the Liri Valley. Two days later, the Poles renewed their efforts in the mountains. More successful, they linked up with the 78th Division early on May 18. Later that morning, Polish forces cleared the abbey ruins and hoisted Polish flag over the site. Aftermath Pressing up the Liri Valley, the British Eighth Army immediately attempted to break through the Hitler Line but was turned back. Pausing to reorganize, a major effort was made against the Hitler Line on May 23 in conjunction with a breakout from the Anzio beachhead. Both efforts were successful and soon the German Tenth Army was reeling and facing being surrounded. With VI Corps surging inland from Anzio, Clark shockingly ordered them to turn northwest for Rome rather than cut off and aid in the destruction of von Vietinghoff. This action may have been the result of Clarks concern that the British would enter the city first despite it being assigned to Fifth Army. Driving north, his troops occupied the city on June 4. Despite the success in Italy, the Normandy landings two days later transformed it into a secondary theater of the war. Selected Sources BBC: Battle of Monte CassinoHistory: Battle of Monte Cassino
Friday, February 14, 2020
Domestic and Nominated Subcontractor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Domestic and Nominated Subcontractor - Essay Example Domestic Subcontractor Domestic subcontractor is one whose selection and appointment is completely taken care by the main contractor. The employer plays no part in the selection or the appointment process except for giving consent to the selection and appointment if it is required under the contractual agreement between the employer and main contractor1. Roles and Responsibilities of Employer The roles and responsibilities of an employer with respect to a domestic subcontractor are very limited. The complete responsibility of a domestic subcontractor lies on the main contractor. The employer will play no role in the selection and appointment of a domestic subcontractor, until and unless it is required by the terms and conditions in the agreement. The employer shall be responsible for the subcontractor only if it is stated with a particular condition in the contract. Nominated Subcontractor As per the FIDIC 1999 red book, the definition of a nominated subcontractor is as follows: â₠¬Å"Nominated Subcontractor†means a subcontractor: a) Who is stated in the contract as being a nominated subcontractor, b) Whom the engineer, under the clause 13 [Variations and adjustments] instructs the contractor to employ as a subcontractor2. Nominated subcontractor is one where the employer approves, selects or nominates a contractor to carry out a specific task or a subcontract. In order to understand the roles and responsibilities of the employer with respect to a nominated subcontractor, it is first necessary to understand the reasons behind using such a system. There are numerous benefits associated with nominating a subcontractor for an employer. One of the main benefits is that the process of nominated subcontractor gives the employer certain control over the selection of suppliers or subcontractors. This control over the choice and the required performance from the subcontractor ensures certain level of quality for the employer. This privilege is without having to be directly involved with the subcontractor. The choice of subcontractor is entirely rested with the employer even though the main contractor needs to approve the subcontractor. Another benefit is that the employer need not get into any contractual agreement with the subcontractor. This is because the nominated subcontractor will enter into a contract with main contractor and not the employee directly. Hence, the employer will not have any contractual arrangements with the nominated subcontracts. Also there are other reasons that might be responsible for the nomination of a subcontractor such as the proven track record of nominated subcontractor, low pricing or high quality or even certain combination of the two, long term relationship between the employer and subcontractor, etc. The employer can also have a say in the terms and conditions of the subcontractor such as pricing and scope of work. One of the specific situations, where nominated subcontractors are used is when there is a need for a subcontractor to start working prior to the appointment of a main contractor. Such a situation would arise when a specialist task takes more time to complete than the actual construction programme. Hence, in such situations it becomes very beneficial to use a nominated subcontractor. Roles and Responsibilities of Employer Following are the roles and res
Sunday, February 2, 2020
An Analysis of the Movie Syriana Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
An Analysis of the Movie Syriana - Essay Example From the research it is clear Quicksand is an academic book written by one Geoffrey Wawro. The author’s academic background on military matters and the long-term experience as a teacher of the Naval War College grants him an ability to write from a political perspective. He gives a historical perspective of the incidences that have been pioneered by the American government in the Middle East and relates the incidences to the political and economic significances that are the driving forces behind the involvements. This paper seeks to give an analysis of the movie Syriana and in turn give a relation between the main theme communicated by the movie and the propositions given by Wawro in his book Quicksand. As the study presents Syriana is a 2005 film written by Stephen Gaghan. The film focuses on the interplay that exists between political and economic drivers in the world today. The influences of the United States in the oil industry are addressed in the movie. The movie begins with a major US oil company, Connex, losing drilling rights to a Chinese company in the Middle East oil fields in a kingdom ruled by the Al-Subaai family. This turns out to be a great disappointment to US oil industry. Connex, therefore, settles on establishing a merger with Killen, a comparatively smaller oil company that has recently won the rights to drill oil in Kazakhstan. The position of Connex in the oil industry is hence greatly affected and its position in the world among the oil drilling companies drops to twenty-three.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Sexual Harassment at the Workplace Essay -- Sexual Harassment in the Wo
Harassment and Discrimination at the Work Place Three repair workers at the Facilities Management Division of the Lee County jail filed a series of harassment and discrimination claims after being repeatedly harassed and discriminated by nine co-workers for over three years. After an extensive investigation by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), it was determined that there was sufficient evidence to file a claim in federal court. Now, the United States Justice Department has filed a claim against Lee County in Florida costing tax payers thousands if not, millions of dollars. This is an example of how thriving companies can suffer an unexpected harassment or discrimination lawsuit which can cost them thousands of dollars affecting their bottom line as well as their reputation. As an independent human resources consultant, Santiago-Santos will organize a local education campaign and provide employers with different trainings to educate them and their employees about harassment and discrimination. Educating business owners and their employees is key for reducing the number of claims being filed due to harassment and discrimination. Harassment and discrimination can affect a business in many ways. Having a history of harassment and discrimination claims can damage a business’ reputation and affect its bottom line. It can cost the business current and future clients as well as investors and employees. Depending on the gravity of the claim(s), the process of settling the claim(s) can take anywhere from months to years. Meanwhile, the cost of the settlement and other fees continue to add up. A business might have to compensate the affected parties besides paying court fees and lawyers. The Equal Employment Opportu... ...s, organizing a local campaign wish will provide training about harassment and discrimination for local business will help build a healthier community and possibly improve the local economy. References Clark, C. S. (1991, August 9). Sexual harassment. CQ Researcher, 1, 537-560. Retrieved from Glazer, S. (1996, July 19). Crackdown on sexual harassment. CQ Researcher, 6, 625-648. Retrieved from Kane-Urrabazo C. (2007). Sexual harassment in the workplace: it is your problem. Journal of Nursing Management, 15(6), 608-613. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2834.2007.00725.x U.S. justice department sues lee county over discrimination accusations. (2012, February 06). Naples Daily News. Retrieved from
Thursday, January 16, 2020
How Does Shakespeare Use Representations of Speech and Other Dramatic Effects to Introduce Iago’s Character?
Shakespeare portrays Iago’s character in the play ‘Othello’ with villainous content by using dramatic effects and specific representations of speech in order to engage the audience to witness this deceitful, dishonest and disturbing man. Iago portrays himself as an innocent and rejected man with the use of powerful and emotive language such as ‘despise me’ and ‘abhor me. ’ The abrupt language used by Iago enables the audience to witness his disgust after Roderigo accuses him of withholding some information from him about his own finances.Iago acts the innocent and threatened character by stating ‘if ever I did dream of such a matter, / Abhor me. ’ The phrase ‘abhor me’ is a use of hyperbole used by Iago, where he exaggerates the issue of not being trusted by Roderigo. Here, the audience is able to see how Iago exaggerates things to a great level and it allows them to believe Iago will behave in this way for the m ajority of the play.Connotations of jealousy are revealed frequently throughout the play, especially within Iago’s first speech between himself and Roderigo, of how he was dismissed as lieutenant in favour of ‘Michael Cassio, a Florentine-/ A fellow almost damned in a fair wife. ’ Here, Iago claims that Cassio will have a wondering eye and is likely to stray from his job, proving how untrustworthy he is. He claims Cassio ‘nor the division of a battle knows/ More than a spinster, unless the bookish theoric. Shakespeare’s powerful use of imagery and asyndetic listing here, when Iago refers Cassio to a ‘spinster,’ reveals connotations of him being an inexperienced soldier as much as a spinster woman is inexperienced in love. The use of asyndetic listing also infers jealousy as Iago is listing the many reasons why Cassio should not have been promoted. The term ‘bookish theoric,’ refers Cassio to be an inexperienced and unknowled geable man on the battlefield, except from the theory he learnt about war in books.Here, the audience can witness Iago’s jealousy, which foreshadows the vengeful acts he performs later on upon certain characters within the play. Juxtaposition is also used when Iago describes to Roderigo the many reasons why Cassio should not be lieutenant, as he claims Cassio’s soldiership is ‘Mere prattle without practice’ compared with he who is ‘worth no worse a place,’ claiming he deserves no lower rank than lieutenant and subordinate to Cassio. This, aswell as showing jealousy, reveals Iago’s blunt arrogance towards being cast aside for the promotion. This may enable the reader to both take pity on him and understand his upset of being verlooked, or disagree completely and believe he is too confident for his own good. Shakespeare introduces Iago as a master of manipulation in the sense that he dominates the conversation when speaking to Roderigo.Th is may be because Roderigo is seen as Iago’s right hand man and is easily manipulated into believing and sympathising with Iago because of the way Othello treated him. In response to Iago’s speech that is full of connotations of jealousy and deceit about the dismissal of the promotion, Roderigo responds by stating ‘by heaven, I rather would have been his hangman. This enables the audience to see how honourable and trusting Roderigo is to Iago as he does not question the latter of how he may be wrong and also does not judge Iago’s aggressive nature towards Cassio and his experience in battle. The metaphorical use of the phrase ‘I rather would have been his hangman,’ is largely ironic as this, again, foreshadows Iago’s actions later on within the play upon those who, in particular Othello, deceived him. Aswell as the manipulation Iago empowers over Roderigo, he also has a financial hold upon him.Roderigo uses the simile ‘as if the s trings were thine,’ where he states that Iago has been using his money as if it were his own. In response to Roderigo’s accusation, Iago replies by saying ‘Sblood, but you will not hear me. ’ Instead of apologising to Roderigo for abusing his trust in looking after his money, he accuses Roderigo of not listening to him. It is here that Iago begins his long speech revealing his jealousy and he was betrayed, allowing the topic of the theft of the money to be forgotten.Shakespeare allows the audience to witness another vengeful side to Iago where he says the promotion seems to stem from favouritism and academic prowess rather than seniority, in which he believes there is no reason to love the moor. After Roderigo claims he would ‘not follow [the Moor],’ Iago responds by saying he will ‘follow [Othello] to serve [Iago’s] turn upon him,’ meaning he will eventually get his own back and will not ‘truly’ follow him due to the pain and deceit this has caused him. The phrase ‘Were I the Moor, I would not be Iago’ infers that Iago would not want to be himself if he were the Moor as he is of lower status.Iago would also not be true to himself he were sucked into the Moor’s ways, so he would continue to serve Othello, but will conceal his true feelings. Shakespeare also portrays Iago’s bitter behaviour when he declares to Roderigo, ‘in following him, I follow but myself,’ meaning he will look after his own interests instead of doing what is best by the Moor, which also portrays him as a self-serving character. His self-serving character is proven in the scene two when informing Othello of Roderigo spreading foul reports about the general. He claims Roderigo ‘spoke such scurvy and provoking terms against [Othello’s] honour.Iago’s double dealing nature proves he is untrustworthy, deceitful and a trouble stirrer, which is ironic as previously he was speaking of how he was treated unkindly and believed Othello was the deceitful person within the issue of the lieutenant promotion. The manipulative power Iago has over Roderigo must be strong if he is unaware of the great stirring Iago is conducting behind his back. Iago’s true representation is best portrayed by Shakespeare with the use of degrading, vulgar and taboo language in order to cause trouble when informing Brabantio of Desdemona’s deceitfulness in order to take revenge upon Othello.Upon arriving at his house, Iago orders Roderigo to ‘poison [Brabantio’s] delight†¦ incense her kinsmen†¦ Plague him with flies†¦ throw such changes of vexation. ’ These dynamic imperatives reveal connotations of rather harsh pain, suffering and destruction, enables the reader to visualise the two men trying to cause much distress, worry and anger to Brabantio before informing him of his daughter’s disappearance. Iago can be seen as a very self-centred character as the revenge he wants to be conducted upon Othello, means another person, Brabantio, will also be hurt during this vengeful act.It also shows how Iago enjoys causing much chaos and mayhem amongst people to witness their reactions for entertainment, and to possibly show he does not want to be the only character who has been deceived. After Brabantio calls out to the two men, Iago immediately uses his vulgar language to explain who Desdemona is with when stating ‘you have lost half your soul†¦ an old black ram is tupping your white ewe. ’ At first Iago portrays his sorrow towards the senator when saying ‘you have lost half your soul’ as if he pities him. The vulgar description ‘an old black ram is tupping your white ewe’ reveals rather degrading and racist imagery.The ‘black ram’ is in reference to the moor, portraying him to be a dirty, old man who is having relations with a pure and innocent â⠂¬Ëœwhite ewe’ which is in reference to Desdemona. The audience can see that this use of zoomorphism infers rather negative qualities about the moor before he has even been introduced into the play. The use of zoomorphism occurs often throughout the first act when Iago graphically describes the sexual relationship between Desdemona and Othello to her father. Iago states to Brabantio that his ‘daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. The constant use of animalistic imagery and reference to specific animals, infers that the two characters are having a very sexual relationship and may not be together for love. This phrase is also a use of antithesis as the ram and ewe differ completely, similarly to how Desdemona and Othello differ in race and ethnicity. The degrading language used reveals Iago’s total disregard for Brabantio’s feelings and status in society, proving once again the manipulative nature Iago has and the enjoyment he receiv es when causing someone else great distress.Shakespeare also uses religious imagery within the play when Iago declares to Brabantio: ‘the devil will make a grandsire of you. ’ This imagery can also be seen as racial as the devil was often depicted as black, which proves he is referring Othello to the devil. Once Brabantio finds his daughter is in fact missing from his house, Iago decides this is the time to flee, showing his distrust to Roderigo by leaving him to fend for himself.He claims ‘it seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place, to be produced†¦ against the moor,’ where he means he cannot be seen by Brabantio as it may threaten his official position if he is brought forward as a witness against the Moor. Iago, and his double dealing ways, tells Roderigo that he ‘must show out a flag and sign of love. ’ The metaphor used by Iago here, conveys to the audience that Iago will support Roderigo from a distance but will not support him in person, but he later informs Othello of Roderigo’s supposed deceitful ways.Shakespeare uses a variety of different language techniques in order to portray Iago’s villainous character with such content. Zoomorphism is used frequently when Iago is referring to Othello which shows his racist and vulgar language, especially when describing the sexual relationship between Desdemona and Othello. The audience is able to see how Iago revels in the mayhem and distress he causes amongst characters including Brabantio. This shows the cruel and manipulative streak he has.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
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